Terms & conditions of the website

Our terms & conditions

Terms & conditions of the website

Legal information

The domain name: https://www.onewristonewatch.com is exploited by The Angel Trade BV/SRL, a Belgian company validly existing and incorporated under the laws of Belgium, registered with the Belgian Crossroads Bank for Enterprises under number 0801.436.665, with VAT number BE 0801.436.665 and having its registered office at Drève Gustave Fâche 1, 7700 Mouscron (Belgium), RPR (Register of Legal Entities) in the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Hainaut, division Tournai. (hereinafter:"The Angel Trade"), through current website (hereinafter: the "Website"). All the content available on this Website is the property of The Angel Trade. . You can always contact The Angel Trade by e-mail at contact@theangeltrade.com .

Terms and conditions

These Terms and Conditions of the Website of The Angel Trade are applicable to every visit to and every use of the Website. By visiting and/or using the Website of The Angel Trade you confirm that you have read and understood the these terms and conditions in their entirety and expressly declare that you consent to these terms and conditions The Angel Trade has the right to change or delete the content of this Website and the terms and conditions at all times.

The general terms and conditions of sales of The Angel Trade are available on the Website and can be consulted here (hyperlink).


All information on this Website is of a general nature and is purely informative. The Angel Trade strives to ensure that all information is as complete, accurate, understandable, precise, and up-to-date as possible. Despite all efforts, it may happen that the information is not complete, accurate, up-to-date, or displayed correctly. If you find any deficiencies in the information you find on this Website, The Angel Trade will do everything possible to rectify it as soon as possible. If you notice any inaccuracies on the Website, you can contact The Angel Trade by e-mail at contact@theangeltrade.com. The Angel Trade cannot however be held liable for damage that might arise as a consequence of incorrect information provided on this Website.

The Angel Trade also strives to prevent technical interruptions of the Website as much as possible. However, The Angel Trade cannot guarantee that the Website will be entirely free of interruptions or other technical issues.

This Website can contain hyperlinks to websites managed by third-party organizations. The Angel Trade has no technical or content control or authority over these sites and therefore cannot provide any guarantee regarding the completeness or accuracy of the content and the availability of the websites and information resources. The Angel Trade cannot be held liable, directly or indirectly, for damage that might arise from use of third-party websites linked to this Website.

Use of the site

When you as a user and/or visitor place messages or information on this Website, in any form whatsoever, or transmit them by e-mail, The Angel Trade reserves the right to freely use these messages and/or this information. You acknowledge that you as the sender are solely responsible for the content and security of these messages and/or this information. They can be treated non-confidentially The Angel Trade and without acknowledgment of any copyright with respect to the sender of these messages and/or this information.
Under no circumstances whatsoever may this Website be used for the purpose of infringements of these conditions, statutory regulations, or public order, or for other unauthorised purposes.

Intellectual Property

All the content of this Website, including all information, messages, images, videos and all other elements, are protected by copyright (and other intellectual property rights) and belong to The Angel Trade or have been placed on this Website by The Angel Trade with permission from the holders of the intellectual property rights. The content of this Website may not be reproduced or communicated without the prior written and unambiguous consent of The Angel Trade.

Applicable law and competent court

As a user of this Website, you acknowledge that Belgian law is applicable to all disputes that might arise in use of this Website. In the event of a dispute you accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hainaut, division Tournai (Belgium).